The All On Four Implant Treatment is a revolutionary approach to solving the problem of multiple missing teeth. It is a restorative procedure that helps restore your face’s structure and oral functionalities. No matter why your teeth are missing, they should be restored with care so your mouth can be fully functional. And All On Four Implant Treatment is a modern and advanced method that can help to restore your smile.
DB Dental Care offers All On Four Implants Treatment which would suit your dental needs. Our dentist in Miami, FL, Dr. Bravo, will conduct a thorough checkup with x-rays to understand your oral conditions. She will design a comprehensive restorative plan that will suit your needs, convenience, and budget.
Still, you should always set up an initial consultation with our dentist in Miami, FL, to confirm if you can get this procedure done.
The All On Four Implant Treatment is ideal for those with failing or no teeth. The procedure uses as few as four implants; with that, you can get your smile’s aesthetics and functionalities back. To know more about All On Four Implant Treatment, contact our dental office in Miami, FL. You can book an appointment by calling us at (786) 418-6757.