Oral cancer screening is a thorough oral examination performed by your dentist to look for cancerous and precancerous signs in your mouth. This screening aims to identify if you have oral cancer at an early stage, so you have a greater chance of getting fully cured. This is why, at DB Dental Care, we suggest you get your oral cancer screening done when you come for your regular dental visit, whether you have the symptoms or not. Ideally, adults above 20 should get oral cancer screening once every three years, whereas those above 40 should go for annual screenings.
Dr. Bravo at DB Dental Care, a state-of-the-art dental office in Miami, FL, would thoroughly check your mouth for any cancerous or precancerous symptoms. If there is anything suspicious, you will be recommended to get a biopsy done or would be referred to a specialist. When booking a comprehensive dental exam appointment, add oral cancer screening to your schedule.